Mrs. Ana Julia Z. F. is 51 years old. She lives in the Laureles Sur neighborhood. She is married and her husband is a project manager at a construction company and his income is an essential part of the family finances. They have 2 teenage children. One of them works and supports his parents and the other one is studying at the university. She has sold shoes for more than 20 years and she remarks that it has gone very well for her. Her merchandise is well accepted by her customers. She has been a saleswoman since she was very young and her parents helped her get started in the business.
They live in a humble home. At this time, they don't have the money to remodel the porch on the house and that is why she is asking for this loan to purchase contruction materials such as ceramic tile, cement, and caliche, which will allow them to finish this project and bring more comfort, safety and good social economic development for their children.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue. View original language description.