A loan helped a female entrepreneur cover startup expenses for a fitness studio.

Neychla's story

Thanks to my parents’ support and their commitment I was provided the opportunity to participate in different sports from a young age and had the privilege to compete internationally, representing my island, Puerto Rico. Sports and fitness have been such an ingrained part of my life that it has now evolved into my lifelong passion.

When I was younger, despite all the physical activity, I did not have the knowledge to “fuel” my body properly. After experiencing several bouts of low blood sugar levels my parents took me to a Dietitian. I then fell in love with the profession because it provides a perfect complement for achieving physical stamina and performance. This profession allows me to coach individuals to achieve healthier habits that benefit their overall health. I help them become more confident when it comes to choosing what goes on their plate while at the same time avoiding a restrictive and stressful mentality when it comes to “fueling” their bodies. I strongly believe that nutrition goes hand in hand with physical fitness, which led me to personal training. It is my goal to guide clients to acquire healthy eating habits as well as a training regimen that feels good to them because only then they can achieve their goals and most importantly: optimal health.

After graduating from the University of Syracuse in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and getting certified as a personal trainer it became my dream to own a gym, a goal that I have been working towards since then. Over 5 years of experience allotted with my clients and surrounded by natural mentors has given me the reassurance that this is what I want to dedicate my life to. My background, my education my one-on-one approach, and my personal passion makes this all natural.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About NFIT Studio LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: nfitstudiopr.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details