A loan helped to buy fabric, thread, needles, elastic, buttons, lace, and other materials.

Estrella Migdalia's story

Estrella Migdalia is 51 years old, is married, and has 4 children who are adults. Her husband is a taxi driver and they live in a family member's house in Manta, a place which is known for its beautiful beaches which bathe the coasts of this beautiful place.

Estrella Migdalia is a very hardworking woman who, along with her husband, makes an effort to cover the household expenses. This is why several years ago she decided to open a small sewing workshop in her house, where she works producing all types of clothing for children or adults. Because of the excellent work she does, she has very good clientele and this enables her to generate income through her business. Although her business was affected by the pandemic, she continued making an effort to earn a living.

She will use this loan to buy fabric, thread, needles, elastic, buttons, lace, and other materials. Her dream is to be able to expand her business and keep progressing.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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