A loan helped a member to buy more rams to raise and then sell.

Wassa Group's story

Amadou is the married father of four children and considered the best farmer in his village. He is taking a loan to buy two good quality rams in the market which he will raise and then sell them in the same location. Besides farming, he raises animals to have an income.

The loan from RMCR helps greatly for the development of his business as the profits allow him to take care of his children. He is seen alone in the picture due to the Covid-19 rules.

He dreams that in the future, he will be able to expand his business and run it using his own funding.

In this group: Chaka, Oumar, Soumaïla, Aïssata, Amadou, Kadia, Moussa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Tim Gibson.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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