A loan helped a long-time fruit and vegetable stand in South Philadelphia improve its cold storage system.

Karina's story

Back in Mexico, my family had land and we would plant vegetables that we would take to the market to sell. When we arrived in Philadelphia, my husband worked for eight years selling vegetables and fruits for a Chinese business owner, and I worked at a fish store. My husband’s boss had trouble pronouncing his name, Rosalio, so he started calling him “Charlie,” and it stuck – so much so that now the name of our business, a fruit and vegetable stand, is “Charlie’s Produce.” We have four children, the eldest is 21 and the youngest is 4. Our two eldest help at the stand, and with our social media accounts. We have been selling on 9th Street in the middle of the Italian Market here in South Philadelphia for 22 years, and we’ve made it our home. We are part of a community that supports each other; we don’t see ourselves as competitors with the other businesses.

This loan is special because:

It supports an immigrant entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Charlie's Produce

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: charliesmarketproduce.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details