A loan helped to buy materials to make additional furniture.

Mercedes's story

Mercedes G. lives the village of Allinguigan. She is 49 years old, married and has five school-aged children. To make a living, Mercedes owns and operates a furniture-making business. For the last 20 years, she has sold her output to local businesses and community members. She earns approximately 10,000 PHP a month from her work.

In 2010, Mercedes joined ASKI to gain access to financial services to help improve her life and ability to engage in business. She is applying for a loan, her first, for 7,000 PHP to buy materials to make more furniture. She plans to use the additional revenue made possible by this loan to continue to expand and improve her business.

About ASKI:
ASKI is one of the most successful microfinance institutions in the Philippines. It has 29 branches covering the central and northeastern parts of the country. Its clients are mostly of farmers, fishermen and small entrepreneurs.

*Note: To maximize efficiency and reduce costs, this loan was posted using a template to automate the translation by Kiva. Given that manual translation of entrepreneur profiles is costly, Kiva created this template for our Field Partner to allow them to continue to post loans in English while providing quality and accurate information to Kiva lenders.

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