A loan helped to buy construction supplies to complete the renovation of his old home.

Chhayly's story

Chhayly is a 37-year-old experienced farmer from the Angkor Borei district of Takeo Province. He lives with his spouse and children, who completely depend on his income and attend school. He is engaged in growing rice and raising some poultry at home to cover his family's needs.

He and his spouse help each other manage their rice farm to ensure high crop yields in each harvest season. They have been in this business for more years. Farming is an important source of his family’s income. Good results from previous years have encouraged Chhayly to try harder to go far in his projects. With his perseverance, he plans to educate his children up to college because he wants to see his children become professionals one day.

Currently, Chhayly's roof needs repair, and his family is suffering because of poor weather, like rain. Though his house is under construction, he needs more materials to have it finished. He is, therefore, asking for a loan to buy construction supplies to complete the renovation of his old home. He hopes that, through the help of the loan, he can provide everyone in his family with a suitable place to live and comfortable living conditions. Chhayly thanks all lenders for helping poor people like him to improve his family's standard of living.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

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