A loan helped a single mother to buy farming inputs that she will use to improve her production so that she can generate more income for her family.

Purity's story

Purity is a 25-year old single mother who lives in Nandi Hills, the home to Kipchoge, the INEOS marathon record holder. Apart from these inspiring wonders, it has a good climate and predictable weather patterns that allow sustainable agricultural activities. She is a mixed dairy and crop farmer who has farmed for the past two years.

Purity is seeking a loan to buy farming inputs that she will use to improve her production so that she can generate more income for her family. The major impediment to the development of smallholder farms in Kenya is the lack of short-term credit facilities. Juhudi Kilimo, in partnership with Kiva, is working hard to support smallholder farmers in Kenya by providing financing, which will help guarantee their survival. Be inspired to support Purity today to light up her flames of hope for success.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

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