A loan helped a member to buy beverages, bread, vegetables, meat, canned goods and other products.

Desmochados Aty Group's story

There are 20 women who came together to form this group. They are entrepreneurial women who help each other to get a better quality of life, and so that their loved ones do not go through needs. They are also in the poverty elimination program.
María is one of them. She is separated. With her work, she helps her son to be able to give him a better quality of life so that he does not have to go through any kind of deprivation. She is a self-sacrificing person who, despite the daily difficulties, does not allow herself to be defeated and seeks a way to be able to improve herself and be able to raise her son since she wants him to be a good person in the future.
She is dedicated to sales, she has a pantry in her house, and with her business she generates the means to be able to offer her son everything that she could not have.
She is requesting this loan to purchase a variety of products for her pantry, such as beverages, baked goods, vegetables, meat, canned goods, and other products.
Note: Only one person appears in the photo, but this loan is for a group, the group photo was not possible to avoid crowding due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Rosalba, Sebastiana, Laura, Ramona, María, Valdobina, Fulvia, Anicia, Lucia, Amalia, Elvira, Cristina, Idelica, Azucena, Justina, Modesta, Nélida, Olga, Krin, Olga

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lauren Jackson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details