A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and seeds for Irish potatoes.

Titukulane 1 Group's story

Mary, aged 36, is a married woman. She has 6 children that she supports. Together with her husband, they engage in Irish potato farming.

She requires the loan to grow more Irish potatoes for sale. She started this farming business because she wanted to be able to support herself and her family financially. Mary will use the money to buy fertilizer and seeds for Irish potatoes. The profits will enable her to acquire basic needs for her household.

Mary hopes that in a couple of years she will be able to build a house and grow her business capital from MW270,000 to MW400,000.

In this group: Kelinesi, Dolofe, Mary, Benadetta, Gladys

This loan is special because:

It serves farmers committed to investing in sustainable farming.

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