A loan helped to purchase of two dairy cows to increase her volume of milk sales to the dairy factory.

Nazira's story

Nazira has successfully repaid her loan, and she is grateful to Kiva and everyone who helped her finance it. She has 4.69 hectares of irrigated land on which she grows potatoes and barley for sale. She also has 3 dairy cows, 60 sheep, and 2 horses.

Nazira has a contract for the supply of organic milk to a local factory for further processing into dairy products. This allows her to continuously invest in her agricultural business. After learning that at Bai Tushum Bank she can get a loan secured by a contract for future delivery in the framework of the product value chain, she applied for a loan of 120,000 KGS. It is for the purchase of 2 pedigreed dairy cows to increase her volume of milk sales.

Payments for milk from the factory will be directly transferred to her bank account and loan payments will be automatically deducted. She plans to invest the proceeds from the loan in further expanding her business which will allow her to save up for the construction of a cattle shed.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Lizet Pantaleon.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to increase production and income in a guaranteed value chain.

Loan details

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Loan details