A loan helped to buy trawling materials and fish crates for fishing.

Yohanes's story

Yohanes is 28 years old and married with three children. He is a fisherman, and he has been selling the fish he catches to make an income for 20 years.

Running his business has made Yohanes independent and helped him provide a better life for his family. He would like a loan of $800 from KIF to grow his fishing business. He plans to use this loan to buy trawling materials and fish crates for fishing. He hopes to see an upswing in the number of fish he can catch as a result.

Yohanes hopes to run a bigger business in the future and wants to thank lenders for the opportunity. It is a second loan, and the first loan was already repaid.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the means to grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details