A loan helped to buy a new net for her fishing business.

Kesaia's story

Kesaia has lived a life full of mystery. She is a 72-year-old widow with eight adult children, and she lives at her son's house. Kesaia has grandchildren and great grandchildren. Her son runs a fishing business, and Kesaia is his main support. She still manages to help her son with marketing the fish from his fishing. She also helps with taking care of his son's children, for the wife left his son and the kids.

The fishing net was lost in the sea due to bad weather, so Kesaia decided to apply for a loan to buy a new fishing net for their fishing business. Kesaia spends time at the local fish market and sells fish. It is also the business that pays for her loan. They live on an island, and the ocean is the source of food for them. It also provides income for families, and Kesaia's family is one of them. She manages to sell the fish to make a living and save some money for the future of those little motherless children.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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