A loan helped to buys raw materials for her work.

Menka's story

This is 43 year-old Menka S.. She is married and has 2 children, ages 20 and 21. In 1998, she established her thanka (statue) painting business. Working 7 days a week and 8 hours a day, she supports her family. Menka has already received and successfully repaid 3 loans from Patan BPW. She used her most recent loan to purchase additional painting supplies. In the future, Menka plans to send her children to a good college. She thanks you for your support.

Nepal has a long and rich history of traditional handicrafts. Throughout the Kathmandu Valley, skilled artisans produce unique pieces of art that reflect Nepal's cultural diversity. Terra cotta pottery comes from the red clay of the surrounding Himalayan foothills. Bronze and silver statuettes are formed using wax molds and intricate hand tool finishing. In Patan, Newari culture and traditions are reflected in the images and symbols etched into metal or formed in stone. With the help of a Kiva loan, Nepal's artisans are able to purchase raw materials in greater volume. This increase in volume allows a single artisan to work on several pieces at the same time while increasing her profit margin. Nepal has a long and rich history of traditional handicrafts. Throughout the Kathmandu Valley, skilled artisans produce unique pieces of art that reflect Nepal's cultural diversity. Terra cotta pottery comes from the red clay of the surrounding Himalayan foothills. Bronze and silver statuettes are formed using wax molds and intricate hand tool finishing. In Patan, Newari culture and traditions are reflected in the images and symbols etched into metal or formed in stone. With the help of a Kiva loan, Nepal's artisans are able to purchase raw materials in greater volume. This increase in volume allows a single artisan to work on several pieces at the same time while increasing her profit margin.This loan was administered by Kiva's local partner MFI, Patan Business and Professional Women. Patan BPW became Kiva's first field partner in Nepal in 2007. Patan BPW operates throughout the Kathmandu Valley, offering microcredit and business training programs to low-income women. In addition to providing economic opportunity to their clients, Patan BPW seeks to empower Nepali women within the home and community.

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