A loan helped a member to buy corn, pork, pig fat, tomatoes, rice, condiments, etc. for her business making and selling tamales.

Cuatro Esquina Group's story

Olga is 41 years old and is a merchant. She has worked making and selling tamales for four years. She has a good number of customers thanks to the work she does as a health promoter. She also makes income from the sale of used clothes, and from fattening and selling pigs.

Olga seeks a new loan from Fundenuse, with Kiva funds, to buy merchandise and ingredients to make tamales. She says her prior loan was a great help, and she made good earnings. Her goal is to continue working in order to have the necessary resources so that her daughter continues her education and becomes a good professional.

Olga belongs to the Cuatro Esquinas [Four Corners] solidarity group with Ramona who sells new clothes, Byron who sells used clothes, and Fátima who sells new clothes.

In this group: Fátima, Olga, Byron, Ramona

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

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