A loan helped to change the tables and the chairs of a member from a vulnerable community's small cafeteria.

Erjon's story

Erjon is a 35-year-old man from a vulnerable community. He is married and the proud father of two children. His parents live with him and he has to take care of the entire family. He sells used clothes and also has a small cafeteria in the area where the city market is located. His wife helps him with the two activities, but for the moment she is living with her elderly parents who are ill and need someone to take care of them.

Erjon needs to change the tables and the chairs of his cafeteria as they are very old. Since he opened this activity he has never changed anything. He wants his cafeteria to be more.

Erjon thanks all Kiva lenders for their possible support and wishes you all a great summer.

This loan is special because:

It helps heavily marginalized Roma and Egyptian populations create better lives for their families.

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