A loan helped to buy agricultural inputs and pay for labor.

Dannia Fernanda's story

Dannia feels very happy to be able o have work and count on the support of Banco Vision Fund and Kiva, She has managed to ensure that her two children have enough food. Dannia feels she is ready to be responsible for a new loan. She needs it to pay for the expense of agricultural inputs and manpower to care for the remaining months of the potato crops that she shares half and half with a brother-in-law. Venturing into this new undertaking will allow her to improve her income. She will be able to make her dream of making capital and working independently a reality. Her goal is to have her own house. (The child she is holding is one of her children).

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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