According to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), small-scale farmers play an important role in the Guatemalan economy, with agriculture as a major driver. Women play an increasing role as they are motivated and hard-working.
Irlanda, a 47-year-old Maya Kaqchikel married mother of five children (13-25), has farmed coffee for more than 12 years. She works along with her husband. She also sells firewood. Her children’s education is a high priority and most of them have finished high school.
She is requesting her fifth Kiva loan to buy fertilizer for the farm and more firewood to resell.
Irlanda, along with six other ladies, is a member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank "Margaritas de Xejuyu." The women only have a few years of formal education but continue to learn in the educational training, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program of loans, education, and health care services. The lessons about effective business management practices help them with their farms, traditional textile, prepared food, and animal husbandry businesses. They also learn about an aspect of three other topics: health, family, and women.
Irlanda shares that learning how to wisely invest her loan has been helpful and her business has become more successful. A facilitator who speaks their Maya Kaqchikel language uses pictures, diagrams, role-playing, and games to share the information.
Irlanda and her friends really appreciate the kindness of Kiva investors. Thank you to each of you!
In this group: Martha, Lilian Beatriz, Irlanda Chuta, Roxana Elisa , Carmen , Elisa , Sandra Elisa