A loan helped buy Egyptian cotton summer wear to increase sales and attract more females who like soft-wearing clothes.

Asmaa's story

Asmaa is 37 years old. She is a widow with two boys and one girl. Asmaa lives with her children in a small village. After the death of her husband, she had to start her own business for a stable source of income for her children and to cover all living expenses.

Asmaa started a small clothing sales business for ladies and girls. Now, she intends to develop her business and buy summer wear with Egyptian cotton to increase sales and attract more females who like soft-wearing clothes.

She hopes to secure a safe life with food, drink and a healthy life for her children. She would like to see them married in the end. She lives only for them and seeks a better life.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

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