A loan helped a member to plant coffee and cardamom.

Las Uvas 3 Group's story

María is 34 years old, her parents separated when she was 7, two years later her mother joined her stepfather. They did not give her the opportunity to study, she is illiterate. She helped her mother with the housekeeping and worked with her stepfather, her mother has 7 children, and Maria has 6 siblings from her mother's second union.

Maria got married at the age of 15, has two children.

She always yearned to have her own business. A neighbor told her about the loans that Chajulense Association of Women United for Life offered and this year she will get her fifth loan.

With her first credit she bought, fattened and sold turkeys, chickens, sows and ducks. Her second credit she invested in a coffee side line, and with her husband, planted coffee. With her third credit she began buying and selling vegetables. She invested her fourth credit in buying land. With this year's credit she will invest in planting coffee and cardamom.

María is the leader of Las Uvas Group 3, the group is composed of 6 women, all from the Ixil Maya ethnicity. The group will invest their loan in textiles 17%, construction 17%, retail 17% and agriculture 49%. On average, each member of the group has one child, the average age of the members of the group is 33 years old. 66% are illiterate, 17% did not complete their primary education, and 17% did complete their primary education.

In this group: Margarita, María, María, Maria, María, Maria

This loan is special because:

It's made through a grassroots organization- by the borrowers, for the borrowers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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