A loan helped to buy a tractor harrow to help her increase her area of production of veggies.

Verusca's story

Verusca is a 38-year-old Mozambican woman and she lives in Maputo Province.

She is a young farmer, who learned to do agriculture with her mother. She produces a variety of veggies such as lettuce, kale, garlic, onion, tomato, eggplant and carrot. Together with her brother, Verusca distributes crops in Maputo city and province.

Since the demand for these type of crops is continually growing, Verusca needs to increase her area of production. She already has a tractor, however she needs additional equipment to speed up the process.

This is why she is requesting her first Kiva loan to buy a tractor harrow to help her to increase her area of production of veggies.

This loan is special because:

It gives smallholder farmers access to productive equipment and new markets.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details