A loan helped a member to buy film, rice, and palm oil for resale.

Tamansane Group's story

These are small scale businesspeople in Makeni, a city in Northern Sierra Leone. They have come to SMT, a partner of Kiva.org to seek a loan of SLL 900,000 for each to enable them expand their businesses. With a loan of SLL 900,000 each, they will be able to add more stocks into their businesses, make more sales, and more profit. Consequently, they will be able to improve their standard of living by sending their children to school, feed and clothe them.

Samuel I. K. (pictured left) is the leader of this group. He was born in a village call Yoni, in Northern Sierra Leone. Samuel is age 35, married with two children who attend primary school.

Samuel is a photographer. He has been in this profession for five years. He also sells locally produced items such as rice and palm oil (the most popular cooking oil). Samuel will use his share of the loan to buy film, rice, and palm oil for resale.

In this group: Samuel I., Augusta, Nanah

Loan details

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Loan details