A loan helped to buy cleaning products, groceries, and beverages.

Lidia Margarita's story

Lidia is 42 years old and is married with two grown children as well as two young children ages 14 and 4. Her husband is a baker. They live in Manta, a place known for its beautiful beaches that bathe the coast of this beautiful town. Lidia is a micro-entrepreneur who works everyday for the well-being of her family. For this reason, with great dedication and effort, she opened up a store in her home where she sells groceries, drinks, and cleaning products. Lidia took charge of the business 10 years ago when her mother-in-law turned it over to her so that she could continue the business and in that way meet household needs. The business has been obtaining excellent results and income and her principle customers are neighbors, friends, passersby, and people referred to her. Due to her good service, she has continued to have a faithful customer base. This loan will be used to buy cleaning products, groceries, and beverages. Her dream is to make the business more productive and thus increase her income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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