A loan helped a LGBTQ woman-owned, donation-based yoga studio come to life.

Kate's story

As a yogi, enneagram 2, and Libra, community, care, and the connection is core to everything I do. And I've wanted to be a small business owner, and contribute to the local community and economy, for as long as I can remember. I've taught yoga at locally-owned studios for 6 years and can't wait to bring everything I've learned into my own space.

As soon as I moved to Denver (about 3 1/2 years ago,) I knew this was the place I'd open my yoga studio. After attending classes at many of the local studios, I realized I never felt fully at home in any of them. Almost everyone I talked to � both those within and not within a marginalized community � felt the same. That affirmation, paired with positive feedback from business advisors, my yoga students, and friends and family, has solidified that now is the time to build my business.

If 2020 taught us anything, it's that people want to support intentional businesses. And Kula is a prime example of that.

Our studio will exist to tear down the westernized, capitalism-riddled barriers of entry to the yoga practice, as it's donation-based. It will exist to serve those in marginalized communities � especially POC and queer folks � along with local teachers and healers. And, most importantly, Kula will foster real, radical self-acceptance and healing within a heart-centered community. It's what real yoga is all about, and there's nothing else like it in Denver.

This loan is special because:

It supports a starting entrepreneur to create their dream business.

Loan details

About Kula Yoga Denver

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: kulayogadenver.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details