A loan helped a member to repair the motor and have maintenance done on the vehicle.

Mundo Financiero Group's story

The “Mundo Financiero” communal bank is part of the Jatun Sonqo Agency. It is made up of nine members who know each other. It is led by a board of directors with Jhannet as president.

Jhannet is 23 years old. She is single and has a son. Her current economic activity is a passenger transportation service, a taxi. She learned this business from her father five years ago.

The loan she is now taking out will be used to repair the motor and have maintenance done on the vehicle. This method of working allows her to generate resources to support her family economically as she is a single mother. She hopes to increase her income as her goal is to have her own house. Jhannet asks you to have confidence in her communal bank.

Note: The Board of Directors and the leaders only were included in the photo in order to avoid a large gathering of people due to the current pandemic.

In this group: Sabrina Geraldy, Genaro, Abigail Dorcas, Diego, Jhenny, Jose Luis, Jhannet, Rosalinda, Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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