A loan helped to buy farming inputs such as fertilizers, which she will use to improve her banana crop production this quarter of 2021.

Esther's story

Esther (36) is a mother of 3 school-going children living in Kenyenya, a remote area located on a gentle plain before the ascent into the central highlands of Kenya.

Although she is a poor smallholder farmer, she has never given up on her dream of wanting to succeed.

Esther is seeking this loan to buy farming inputs, which she will use to improve her banana crop production this quarter of 2021.

Juhudi Kilimo’s partnership with Kiva is an effective tool for reducing poverty in Kenya, and especially among women, being the central actors in the rural areas. Esther is hopeful that Kiva lenders are able and willing to respond positively to her loan request.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details