A loan helped to buy raw materials to make and sell tortillas, and to remodel her locale.

Esperanza's story

Esperanza is a hardworking woman. She gets up very early every morning to make her delicious tortillas by hand. She is the mother of five children, and is 51 years old.

She works making tortillas. She has had her business for a little over seven years, and has two girls who help her, one half time and the other full time. Both of them are a great help.

Esperanza has opted for a Kiva loan, with the help of MiCrédito, to buy raw materials and to remodel her business. This will allow her to meet the high demand of her customers and provide the quality of service for which she has always been known. Esperanza's dream is to expand her locale and provide more employment to the needy.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps economic migrants from Nicaragua grow their businesses in Costa Rica.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details