A loan helped a member to buy two floor looms and a variety of thread.

Nueva Esperanza Group's story

Isabel is a young 21-year-old married mother of a two-year-old son, who has a growing textile business weaving traditional wrap around woven skirts called “cortes”. She has three wooden looms and two employees. Her husband also works with her in the business enabling her to deliver three “cortes” each week. It is a very labor intensive process to weave these garments that are often filled with detailed designs and colors. Isabel is requesting her third loan to buy two looms and a variety of thread.

Isabel only has a sixth grade education and continues to learn at the monthly educational trainings of her Friendship Bridge Trust Bank called “Nueva Esperanza” or “New Hope”. There are seven other Maya K’iche women in the group. The educational sessions, designed by a Facilitator who speaks their language, are helpful to them. Topics are drawn from four areas: health, family, women, and business.

The Facilitator uses games, role playing, pictures and diagrams to share the information. The women often share what they learn with family and friends. Every two months, they have access to basic health care services offered by a visiting nurse who also speaks their Maya K’iche language and is sensitive to their needs. This useful combination of health care services, educational training and loans is called “Microcredit Plus”.

Thanks to all Kiva investors for learning about Isabel and her friends. They are poised to step into a brighter future because of your support!

In this group: Catalina , Isabel , Emiliana , Magdalena , Magdalena, Elizabeth , Catarina, Isabel Dorcas

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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