Naseem S. lives in the city of Riwind, in Pakistan, with her husband and two children. Both of her children attend school. Her husband has a job in the factory while she sells milk and has some buffaloes at her house. She wants to buy another buffalo because she thinks that she can increase her income by increasing the amount of milk and making more clients.
There is potential in her business because milk is the product which is used in every house and if she has more milk to sell then she can earn more money.
She is applying loan for her second loan from Asasah. Her first experience was good and she is hopeful that the results from this loan will be even better.
Note: "In this photo, Hamedi, the group member, is doing her household work and other members are helping her except Amna who is doing embroider works".
In this group: Naseem Shakil, Hamedi, Sharifan, Amna