A loan helped to purchase sugar, rice, cooking oils and fats, bars of soap and other items for resale.

Margaret's story

Margaret is 43 years old and married. She supports three people in her household. She is a shopkeeper and has operated this business for 16 years. She earns on average KES. 15,000 monthly from the business. This is her first loan.

She has borrowed KES.30,000 and hopes to use this amount to purchase sugar, rice, cooking oils and fats, bars of soap and other items for resale. She is hopeful this shall bring her more customers and increase her revenue.

The anticipated profits from the improved business shall be used to repay her loan and pay school fees for her children. Her future hope and dream is to promote her family by providing better education for her children.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services and education in deep rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details