A loan helped to purchase a dairy cow.

Benard's story

Benard is a young dairy farmer from the town of Litein in Rift Valley, Kenya. He has been farming for the last two years and has employed one farm-hand. His main product is milk which he sells to the Kenya Cooperative Creameries in Sotik town.

Benard is 24 years old and single. Apart from farming, he also operates a retail shop and a hotel in the same area. His biggest challenge in farming has been lack of enough funds to expand his farming activities and the poor pricing of milk.

He recently completed his previous loan from Juhudi Kilimo of KES.30,000 and has requested this loan of KES.70,000 to purchase a dairy cow. He says that this dairy cow will produce enough milk for sale and family use. He will be able to service the loan and meet the family's needs.

Benard would like to improve his dairy farming in the future by building a modern dairy unit and improving the dairy breed to higher yielding cows. He is grateful to Juhudi for the financial support.

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