A loan helped convert the fuel tank of the car to one that will run on natural gas.

Rosa's story

Rosa is 35 years old and lives in her parent’s house with her younger sisters. She provides mobility services for her father’s transportation company. Initially she was not receiving any salary, but now receives a salary as the other employees. Her job is to distribute manufacturing materials (nails, sockets, and other hardware accessories) to retailers that contract for providing service. She has earned the trust of all of them. Her customers are scattered in the outer neighborhoods of the city; so she organizes the distribution according to routes. During these two years of work, she has not had high risks; so she feels very satisfied that work is calm with regular profits. In the future, she plans to buy her own car to improve her income. This is her thirteenth MFP loan, and she knows that the money will be very beneficial, so she promises to pay her dues promptly. Rosa has planned to invest the money requested on the conversion of the fuel tank of the car to one that will run on natural gas, to save on fuel, and thus hopes to continue progressing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Dina Bach.

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