A loan helped to deal with the needed expenses for working, fertilising and planting her lands for the upcoming season, so she will be able to keep providing for her family.

Kimete's story

Kimete is a 59-year-old woman from a small village in southern Albania. She is a devoted wife and mother to 4 children. Currently she is living only with her husband and her youngest son, while her other children are all married and living with their families.

Kimete and her husband have been practicing different agricultural activities during their entire life. "Our little farm has enabled us to provide for our children during our entire life. We have never experienced a crisis for selling the harvest like this before!" said Kimete desperately during the interview.

Their village is quite far from the national road and from the nearest village, so they have been having a lot of difficulties in selling their harvest and saving for the upcoming planting season. For this, Kimete is hoping for Kiva lenders support to deal with the needed expenses for working, fertilising and planting her lands for the upcoming season, so she will be able to keep providing for her family.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details