A loan helped will scale up production by moving into a brick & mortar.

Daisy's story

After having cooked for humans for decades, I am much more content with making dogs healthy and happy. I have attended two culinary schools in San Francisco at the Ritz Carlton there. I enjoyed both sides of the culinary spectrum: savory & pastry. I enjoyed my journey into cooking at various hotels, restaurants, and resorts from California, Utah, Washington, Nevada, New York, and Alaska. It was cooking for fishing lodges in remote Alaska that I enjoyed the most because my dog, Dallas, can be with me. After the last lodge chef job in 2012, I decided I would test the waters in starting my own business which has been my dream all my life. I always have that entrepreneurial spirit knowing when and how to sell an idea or product without the "sales talk." I have in various stages in my life sold things here and there, and the successful ventures were the ones I operated myself and not working for somebody. I take pride in the business I built in Drool Central: A Mum & Pup Barkery which is now more than 7 years old and going. My inspiration for this business, Dallas, has died suddenly recently of undetected tumors at age 14 years, 5 months and 21 days. My dog's absence cements my company's mission to continue her inspiration to provide healthy natural real food for the dogs. Every year I see Drool Central's revenues increase steadily through my own blood, sweat, and tears literally. Without a doubt, 2021 will hit my sales goal and from there, I could say I made it. It has been a slow painstaking exhausting year of entrepreneurial spirit, but I am relentless to achieve my goal. Every possible opportunity there is, I'll be there.

This loan is special because:

It helps this business continue to grow.

Loan details

About Drool Central A Mum & Pup Barkery

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: droolcentral.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details