A loan helped a member to buy and sell staple goods.

Fundadoras De Esperanza Group's story

Maria Abigail is the representative of the group called "Fundadoras de Esperanza". Maria Abigail, with her husband, works day after day to give their two children a better future.

In her house, she has a store with items of daily use. The store is open every day of the week with long hours, offering products such as corn, rice, beans, oil, pasta, juices, sweets, cold meats, soft drinks, etc. Maria Abigail shares that, despite the pandemic, her sales increased because she sells staple goods that are indispensable for families.

Maria Abigail's desire is to see her business grow and to offer a greater variety of products. Maria Abigail dreams of having a new sales location. She requests a loan to buy staple goods, to keep her store well-stocked.

In this group: Dionicia , Maria Abigail, Mayra Elizabeth, Juana Elvira , Maria Marisol, Ester, Irma Yolanda, Maria Leonza

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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