A loan helped to expand into the Midwest with regional and national chains advertising in-store and online.

Kyung's story

My favorite sauce growing up and to this day is the Korean hot sauce gochujang. When I moved to Minnesota over 10 years ago, I missed my mom's version of her sauce. My pastor, who had the idea of a Korean hot sauce like Sriracha, encouraged me to start a business to share Korean flavors with a hot sauce. Initially hesitant, I saw that this business brought together my passions for Korean food and community impact. Six years ago, I launched K-Mama Sauce based on my mother�s gochujang recipe. We started off at farmers markets, and now it sells at local Targets, Whole Foods, co-ops, on Amazon, and our own website. Right from the beginning, our core values were to provide a delicious and highest quality sauce (vegan, GF, MSG free), treat our staff humanely, and designate 30% of all corporate profit to my church�s ministries like affordable housing, permanent agriculture, and job-training skills. While the sauce is traditionally used in Korean dishes it may be used on all types of food!

This loan is special because:

It helps a repeat Kiva borrower take their business to the next level.

Loan details

About K-Mama Sauce

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: kmamasauce.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details