The Urpicha Communal bank is starting its 43rd cycle with 24 members who carry out different activities. That is the case for Fabiana. She has been a member for several years, and during that time she learned how to save. She likes the trainings.
Fabiana is married and has five children. Two of her children go to school. Fabiana has a pool hall in a rented place. She has seven tables. She also sells sweets and soft drinks with her daughter’s help. Fabiana started her business by selling sweets.
Fabiana is requesting a loan for 1,600 soles. She will use the loan to buy display cases to show her products. She will use the loan as part of the payment for sound equipment.
Fabiana’s dreams are to have her own place for her business, to help her children with their education, and to build a house.
In this group: Fabiana, Marina, Martha Maura, Guillermina, Maria Irene, Nelida, Teofila, Tabiña, Viety, Avelina Daria, Lidia, Sthefany, Hayde, Cynthia, Silvia, Julia, William, Juana, Dina, Ruth Suny, Marilu, Celia, Liz, Rosalia
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.