A loan helped a member buy merchandise to resell.

Dios Es Amor Y Mi Guia Group's story

Sra. Shirley Gladis, an enthusiastic and entrepreneurial associate, is 62 years old. She's divorced and has 3 grown children. She lives in the Vitarte area of the Peruvian "departamento" of Lima. She has earned a living selling beauty products for 20 years, a business she started with advice from a friend who knew that she wanted an independent income. Before that, she operated a business selling ceviche because she had to cover the household expenses. She started working with Edaprospo-Prosperdad two years ago and she is now president of the Dios es amor y mi guia (God is love and my guide) community bank, a group of 8 members who operate a range of businesses such as: recycling, clothing sales, food sales, a general store and more. With this loan, Sra. Shirley plans to buy merchandise for her business so that she can meet the demand of her customers. Up to now, she has successfully helped her children start professional careers, paid her own expenses and helped her daughter through university.

In this group: Doris Shirley, Shirley Gladis, Maria, Dora Margot, Elvia, Patricia Margot, Lucila, Rocio Magaly

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (60)
  • Chadd West Chester, PA, United States
  • Oliver Chicago, IL, United States
  • R
    Rachel Shreveport, LA, United States
  • Henry Yang DDS San Francisco, CA, United States
  • Stephan Kleiber Munich, Bavaria, Germany
  • Bill Columbia, MD, United States
  • Barbara Miltown Malbay, Clare, Ireland
  • Michael & Christa The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
  • Jon Spokane, WA, United States
  • Donna Wilczek San Francisco, CA, United States
Contributing teams (35)

Loan details

West Chester, PA, United States
Chicago, IL, United States
Shreveport, LA, United States
Henry Yang DDS
San Francisco, CA, United States
Stephan Kleiber
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Columbia, MD, United States
Miltown Malbay, Clare, Ireland
Michael & Christa
The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Spokane, WA, United States
Donna Wilczek
San Francisco, CA, United States
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