The Santa María Communal Bank is located in the “Asentamiento Humano” (legalized squatter settlement) with the same name in the Ate district. It is a communal bank that has worked with EDAPROSPO- Prosperidad for four years. It is comprised of ten members.
Jacinta Juana is the president. She is 47, a single mother, and has two school age children. She has had a grocery store for seven years. She sells basic need foods like bread, eggs, milk, sugar, rice, and soft drinks among other things. Jacinta got into this business because her husband left her with all of the expenses, she did not have help from anyone, and her two children were young. Also, on the week-ends she sells “anticuchos” (a dish maD. with lamb's heart) and “panchitos” (hot dogs) in the areas surrounding her house.
The members of this group devote themselves to activities like being a cook’s assistant, providing bricklaying services, and being a public transportation driver. Others in the group sell food and refreshments in the markets.
The members decided on the name Santa María because the place where they live has that name, and they felt more recognizable with that name. All of the members will use the new loan to invest in expanding their small businesses. This way they will have a better quality of life.
The members are very happy with and value the support provided. They pledge to return the loan punctually.
In this group: Margarita, Jacinta Juana, Olga Elia, Genoveva, Yulita Cilia, Edith, Elizabeth Liliana, Hugo Lalo, Paul Angelo, Rosa Bertha
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.