A loan helped to hire more trainers for scaling our program so that we can expand to more trainees.

Thoufeeque Saheer's story

Myself growing up in an uneducated family knows the importance of having a professional education. Unfortunately, most institutional education is costly and for work professionally this will not help because in the real workplace we won't even apply those we studied for getting a grade.

At Archi's, we focus on making an individual hirable and employable hence we train on the process and other areas required for a trainee to successfully land a job and sustain a job in a new workplace. Our personal training and mentorship program help trainees even without any experience at all to get employment.

This loan is special because:

It helps an experienced entrepreneur serve their community.

Loan details

About Archi's Academy LLC

Industry: Education
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: archisacademy.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details