A loan helped buy chickens to sell meat.

Cecilia Isabel's story

Cecilia is a 25 year old mom that lives with her husband and small children in the village of Cerro Falla, district of Olmos, characterized for being the district with the largest geographical extension in the region and is comprised by different villages that are faraway from each other. It belongs to the province of Lambayeque and is located almost two hours from the city of Chiclayo.

Four years ago she started working in activities related to raising and selling small animals, she raises farm chickens in a place close to her home and then sells them, once slaughtered, to her neighbors. She also sells chicken meat, which helps generate stable income to help her husband with the family economy.

Cecilia wishes to expand her business to buy more farm chickens and sell them to her neighbors, she has requested Edpyme Alternativa a loan of 1,500 PEN. With this investment she can have more sales and make more profit.

Cecilia is a returning client for Edpyme Alternativa and has shown punctuality and responsibility at the time of making her payments. Her neighbors and acquaintances really like her.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sofia Burt.

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