A loan helped to add 10 beehives to his 25 current ones so he will be able to make a good income for his family.

Benard's story

Benard is a 25-year-old boy from a mountainous village in north Albania, very famous for the curative honey and the delicious sheep feta cheese. Benard lives with his elderly parents in a well-arranged house. He works at the local municipality, and beside this he takes care of 25 sheep and 25 beehives, for which he has the assistance of his parents too.

Benard is hoping for the first time for a Kiva loan. His sister suggested to him to apply for your support as her life greatly improved after receiving your help. Benard plans to add 10 beehives to his 25 current ones so he will be able to make a good income for his family.

Benard thanks you all for your support and for the opportunity given. He promises to pay every loan installment on time.

This loan is special because:

It provides young entrepreneurs the financial support to start or grow their own businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details