A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and carry out the appropriate maintenance of his plot of land.

Los Comuneros De San Jose De Tunuya Group's story

"Los Comuneros De San Jose De Tunuya" is a group made up of 6 members, and they are beginning their third [loan] cycle. It is a responsible group, and on various occasions has paid back a loan on Kiva.

The board of directors is represented by the president José who accompanies them and leads, along with the secretary and treasurer. As you can see in the photo, due to the pandemic, only these three people are representing the group.

José is 33 years old. He has one child, age 11. Along with his wife, he has worked in agriculture, growing yucca for the past 10 years. On this occasion, they are requesting their loan through Kiva to buy fertilizer and carry out the appropriate maintenance on their plot of land.

He is always looking to improve. This is why he is considered a hardworking and responsible person. He is looking to keep growing and strengthening his farm. In addition, he has a mechanic shop where he can gather better income for his family's well-being.

In this group: Edilberto, Socorro, Zully, Gregorio, Jose Daniel, Luz Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Stanislawski.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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