A loan helped to buy more dried goods.

Benita's story

Introducing Benita, a member of the Banco Comunal Taytacha Señor de Coyllority de Yungaqui (Lord of Coyllority of Yungaqui Commual Bank – Taytacha is an Incan religious figure).
Benita is 43 years old, she is married, she has five children and she lives in the community of Yungaqui.

“I sell dried goods such as potatoes, corns and so on. My husband is a farmer and through this activity he helps the family. I have been working in this field for a few years, and things are going well for me thanks to the carefulness I put in my job. I needed money to increase my working capital and it was then when I was given the chance to become a member of the communal bank of the Asociación Arariwa: they helped me thorough some loans, and thus I was able to begin improving my activity. In this case I am requesting a loan to buy more dried goods”.

The community of Yungaqui is located no less than 45 minutes from the town of Cusco, and 10 minutes from the town of Izcuchaca.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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