A loan helped to invest in the reactivation of fish tanks, purchase of small fishes and fish´s food.

José Mercedes's story

José Mercedes is 47 years old, is married, has a son and lives with his family in the town of Jutiapa, Department of Atlántida. He has been working in agriculture for 16 years producing good quality cocoa and has a pond to rear fish.

He is currently applying for a loan from ODEF for the amount of 20,000 Lempiras; José Mercedes plans to invest it in reactivating his fish tanks, buy small fishes and fish´s food. He believes that by taking up another line of work, he will be able earn more income as well as to increase the means to support his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

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Lenders and lending teams

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