A loan helped our women-owned business recover from COVID-19 challenges and redevelop and expand our line.

Erin And Leigh-Ann's story

My natural hair journey began in 1998 before it was trending. Because of this, the lack of education and quality products for my hair was virtually non-existent. When natural hair finally became popular, it sparked my passion to become part of a movement that celebrated my beautiful locks in a healthy way. Being a health coach, I love creating products that contribute to overall health. And now, as a mother, it's even more important to be mindful of what goes in and on my body as well as my son's. That's why I love our products!
- Erin, Co-Owner

As a child, my mom wasn't able to tame my curls - she and my older sister had totally opposite hair textures. This resulted in my becoming addicted to hair products at a very young age. Over the years I must have tested hundreds of products designed for curly hair, without getting the results I desired. It was frustrating not being able to find products - made with cleaner ingredients - that kept my hair hydrated. I just wanted to be able to run a comb through my thick head of hair without stress and agony. As a self-proclaimed product junkie, I came to the conclusion that making my own products would end my seemingly endless search. Creating 2 Girls with Curls products saved my hair and my sanity!
- Leigh-Ann, Co-Owner

We started out exchanging stories about our hair challenges at work. Now, 2 girls with Curls are on the shelves where those early conversations began. This has been a passion project for several years and we're so proud to have created something for ourselves that we can share with others. Our goal is to continue to expand in order to help other curly girls (and beyond) in the struggle!

This loan is special because:

It helps a woman-owned business overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.

Loan details

About 2 Girls with Curls

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: 2curlygirls.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details