A loan helped a member to carry out her market gardening and to sell the harvests.

08- Kanema Group's story

This group of 22 women has been part of the 'banc villageois' since its creation in December 2010. The women live in the same village and share good relationships. And they are active in retail commerce to improve their living conditions.

Ms. Madeleine is the group's representative. She is the married mother of six children and has six other children to support. In the photo, she appears by herself, so as to respect the preventative measures in the struggle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Her new loan will be used to purchase seeds and fertilizer for market gardening. She has good experience in this domain. The earnings will be used to help out her husband in managing unforeseen expenses and to bolster her savings.

In this group: Madeleine, Rose, Madeleine, Angelique, Beatrice, Madeleine, Monique, Angelique, Monique, Eveline, Antoinette, Florence, Therese, Inee Francoise, Mireille, Viviane, Marie, Nafie Dianke, Aimee, Philomene, Antoinette, Julienne

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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