A loan helped to hire men to help with their harvest, and to buy pandanus for weaving and fabric for sewing.

Tupou's story

Tupou is a 40-year-old mother of five children. She is married to a farmer and they live in their own home.

Tupou and her husband own and operate a farming business as well as a weaving and sewing business. Her husband takes care of their plantation and nurtures it, while Tupou keeps busy with their weaving and sewing business.

Both of these businesses are operated from their own home. Tupou hires two women to weave for her and she joins them sometimes. As for her sewing, she does it on her own. She sews uniforms and puletaha, both for men and women. (Puletaha is the traditional dress design).

She sells the clothing she sewed in her front yard, for they are located along the main road. She keeps Saturdays free so she can go to town and sell their crops at the main market area.

Tupou is applying for a loan to hire men to help with harvesting their yams, and to buy pandanus and fabric for her weaving and sewing business. Their short term goal is to expand their house. They are planning on starting the work soon.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details