A loan helped to buy medical supplies for physiotherapy.

Soraya Cecilia's story

Cecilia is 24 years old, and lives with her mother and grandmother on the outskirts of the Sacaba district of Cochabamba. She studied Physiotherapy and works with people of limited resources in the hospitals around the city.

She looks after her mother and elderly grandmother; her father abandoned them when Cecilia was three years old. She has been working since she was very young to be able to help her mother, who is sick, and her grandmother, who suffers from rheumatism. Cecilia tries to help her grandmother however she can, because the visits to the specialist, and the medicines she has to take for the pain, are very expensive.

Cecilia is seeking the loan to buy materials for her therapy work. She already runs a clinic at home where she can treat patients, just as she does when she visits them at their homes. She is trying to work as much as possible and maximise her income so she can help as much as she can with the household exprenses. Cecilia is a very responsible, hard-working woman.

In the future, she would like to have a surgery where she can help everyone who comes needing physiotherapy treatment. She dreams of offering her mother a better old age, because she is always there for her and gives her moral support as much as economic support. Her mother, Doña Delina, says she wants her daughter to have a better future than she had. She hopes Cecilia will meet someone to spend her life with, have a family and be very happy.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rosa Oswald.

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