A loan helped to buy a transport vehicle and expand his restaurant chain.

Alex Adán's story

Alex is a charismatic young entrepreneur, who owns an asian food restaurant that directly employs 13 people from the local community. He emigrated for a time to another country where he learned to cook different types of asian cuisine. While abroad he saved money and then returned to open his own business. His dream is to establish a chain of asian food restaurants throughout the country, and in doing so, create more local jobs.

His story is very inspiring because during his time as an immigrant, he started as a line cook, then became a chef, and now he owns his own business. The restaurant offers a variety of Asian cuisine, including Cantonese rice, sushi, cream cake, and Chinese rice. His business is growing at a good pace and he needs to expand, so he has knocked on the doors of Kiva and MiCredito to get a loan to buy a transport vehicle. The vehicle will allow him to buy all the supplies he needs at once, saving time and money. Alex is working to open another restaurant with a staff of 10 and next year hopes to open 2 more restaurants in other towns in the north of the country.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps small businesses grow, which creates jobs and reduces poverty.

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